About MK

Maple Kindergarten Forest School

‘In the Open’
Maple Kindergarten is a brand new outdoor pre-school class, with a embedded forest school ethos. Maple Kindergarten is an additional room (only outdoors) as part of Clapton Park Children's Centre for pre-school aged children (3-5 years old). 
Maple Kindergarten takes place mainly on Hackney Marshes on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, term time only. 
They also have a beautiful, rustic, outdoor building tucked away in Clapton Park Children's Centre's garden. Here they can take shelter when the weather takes a turn which may have an impact on the safety of the group. In addition, to have the opportunity to spend some time doing arts and crafts and play with natural resources. 
During their time at Maple Kindergarten, children will experience all sorts of outdoor activities that help them to build an understanding and appreciation of the woodland with a holistic approach, informed by the forest school curriculum.
The Outdoor nursery will support children's learning and development through observations, planning and assessing. 
Parents / Carers will have access to Tapestry, to find out what their children have been getting up to and what they have been interested in during the day. 
The team will work alongside parents / carers to support the children to get ready for school as well as support those who wish to home school - having the opportunity to continue for another year.  

***Maple Kindergarten will run in all weathers except high winds or thunder and lightning. They will retreat to the pavillion. 

Dietary Information

Parents/carers must provide a packed lunch per day (please find attached guidelines on packed lunches)

Maple Kindergarten will provide a healthy snack AM and PM.

Starter Kit

Maple Kindergarten have a 'starter kit' available for families who wish to rent out a winter kit or summer kit. You will be asked to pay a deposit which will cover the essentials needed for Forest School. Please request during admissions. 

The deposit will cover the following essentials;

  • Full Winter waterproof suit (trousers and jacket) / Summer kit 
  • Waterproof backpack
  • Food Thermos



Applying for a space

If you are interested in applying to our Outdoor nursery at Clapton Park Children's Centre, please fill out the application form below and email it to us at claptonpark@hackney.gov.uk

  5 Options        
Option 1 - 2 days funded (15 hours Band 1)
Mon-Tues OR Wed-Thurs
Option 2 - 4 days (15 hours funded for 2 days and paying for 2 days)
  9.00am-4.30pm Mon-Thurs  
Option 3 - 4 days funded (30 hours Any Banding)
  9.00am-4.30pm Mon-Thurs  
4 Option 4 - Paid 2 days   9.00am-4.30pm
Mon-Tues OR Wed-Thurs
5 Option 5 - Paid 4 days   9.00am-4.30pm Mon-Thurs  
For further details, please contact us on 0208 986 7437.
Please see our fees section attached below for more information on prices.
Hedgehog Week
Hedgehog week is the week that the children will be dropped off directly in the forest. As they arrive the forest will already be set up for children to play and explore with hammocks, swings, discovering resources such as magnifying glasses or digging tools. Or a nice cosy campfire ready blazing to sit around and ready a story on arrival. 
Maple Kindergarten Routine

Where: Hackney Marshes – location changes seasonaly to support sustanability 

Drop off - Hackney Marshes (hedgehog week - forest site stay)  9:00am – 10am

Pick up - Clapton Park Children Centre Garden 4pm – 4:30pm 

The children will spend the most of the day exploring in nature and an opportunity to take part in focus activities led by FS leads. 

Around 2:15 pm the group will experience music time 2 days a week and storytime 2 days a week. 

Bee Week
Bee week is the week that the children will be dropped off in the garden at CPCC through the side gate.
The children will arrive and then prepare to roam across the Hackney Marshes throughout the whole morning on a Monday and Wednesday, explroing different spaces and having opportinities to stop and investgate areas. 
On Tuesday and Thursday children will spend time the morning doing Maple garden club, spending time in our centre's kitchen garden, planting, transplanting, composting, tasting fruit & vegetables and watering the plants. 
Children will then headback to the pavillion to have lunch and then get stuck in arts and crafts. They will also have the privilage to spend time in CPCC garden also. 
Maple Kindergarten Routine

Where: Hackney Marshes – location changes seasonaly to support sustanability 

Drop off - CPCC garden 9:00am – 10am

Pick up - Clapton Park Children Centre Garden 4pm – 4:30pm 

The children will spend 2 days roaming in the morning and 2 days at the garden club in our own kitchen garden. 

Around 2:15 pm the group will experience now press play immersive storytime 2 days a week and story telling the other 2 days with the use of helicoptor stories.