What is Forest School?

What is Forest School?
Forest School is an approach derived from Scandinavia, where children have opportunities to explore the natural environment in all weathers. There is much research showing the positive effects on children’s wellbeing, health, confidence, language skills, collaborative skills, awareness of nature and living things, whilst taking risks. Children are well supervised and offered real life active learning experiences, where the adults make sure that the site is safe and free from hazard. All of the staff accompanying children to Forest School sessions will be fully trained by the Forest School Learning Initiative, which includes carrying out risk assessments and ensuring that children are safe whilst engaging in a range of exciting, stimulating outdoor experiences.
What are the benefits of Forest School?

The benefits, based on long term studies from other Forest Schools, and in particular in Scandinavia include:
  •  Increased self esteem and self-confidence
  •  Improved social skills
  •  Greater language expression
  •  Increased physical dexterity
  •  Children concentrate for longer periods of time than when indoors
  •  Children develop an understanding and respect for their natural environment