#12 Nature Scavenger Hunts

Weekly Challenge #12 - nature scavenger hunts

Dear Parents/Carers,

We hope you are well. As well as our weekly challenge below, please find attached a flyer for the free parent advice line offering advice to all parents on behaviour and wellbeing.

A walk into the forest or to the park has many benefits. Firstly your children will be getting lots of fresh air and exercise on the way which is good for them physically. Once they are there they can collect various items such as leaves, stones, twigs feathers, flowers.

They can collect these in a box and either take them home to talk about them or just talk about them in the forest or park. This will help your child’s language development, their understanding of the environment and what is out there and recognition of different leaves etc. It also helps with their sharing when they talk and tell you about what they have found. They can also use their ICT skills to identify some of the leaves they have found if they do not know what they are

You could make a list and support children in finding these items while you are out and about.

The link below gives you some information on why scavenger hunts are useful to children and how it helps them. I have added a link for scavenger hunts that can be done anywhere if you are unable to get out and can still be learning.




Weekly Challenge: Scavenger Hunt – what can you find?

You will need a small box. As we all know children love putting things in boxes.

Learning colours and shapes


Encourage them to find things of their own choosing and put it in their box.

Talk about things as they collect them to develop their language skills.

Talk about using their senses. How does it feel? How does it smell? Can you see where it has come from?  Can you hear the leaves rusting in the trees?

2-5 year olds

Exploring outdoors helps develop children’s senses of all ages. They also learn what they can pick, what they cannot pick as they may be poisonous or may sting them.

Let the children choose their own items whilst out to put in their box.

Let them talk about what they have found, describe the shapes, colours textures of the things in their box.

Ask them can you tell me what tree that leaf came from? If they do not know take the leaf home and use their ICT skills to look up what tree it has come from (online or also see the apps below). They then go on to learn about the tree, how big it grows.

More ideas for you to explore scavenger hunts:


For identifying trees and plants that you come across, try these two great apps:

‘Picture this’ (take a picture of the tree and it tells you what it is!) https://www.picturethisai.com/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMItOuN0p_q6QIVcmHmCh0D6AOSEAAYASAAEgIFx_D_BwE

‘British Trees – tree ID’ (this guides you through a set of questions about the leaves, bark etc to help you identify the tree yourself).

Many thanks, 

Clapton Park Children's Centre